On Saturday the 7th of March a group of foreign students went to a nearby metropolis. Here is how it came off.

We went by a comfy yellow coach and although the weather was a bit chilly, our first stopover on the road to exploration of Vienna led us to gardens belonging to the Schönbrunn Palace. Once we got there (with the help of Vienna’s well-arranged underground), the sun started shining and made the gardens look truly wonderful. What a great start of our trip. We were walking about the gardens which just started to burst into leaf and we enjoyed the view of the palace, beautiful fountains and other architectonical gems. After we had a snack and rested a bit, we were ready for our next stop – The Butterfly House near the Hofburg Palace.

We took the tube back to the city centre and in a few seconds we found ourselves in tropics full of palm trees, waterfalls and huge exotic butterflies, after which was this untypical greenhouse named. Students were surprised and thrilled, when the butterflies sat on them and even willingly posed for the photographs when they got tired of flying about The Butterfly House.

Then we continued to the very heart of Vienna through the majestic Hofburg Palace, the former residence of imperial family and current residence of Austrian president. We felt like in a different century, since there were horse-drawn carriages everywhere.

The last sight we visited was Stephansdom (St. Stephen's Cathedral), a symbol of Vienna. We climbed the 343 stairs of the 137 metres high observatory tower, which provides a beautiful view of the city. None of the participants of our expedition got scared of the demanding climbing, so we proudly made a group photo at the top.

We concluded our trip with Prater, fun, adrenalin and finally some resting. Some of our students went to Riesenrad and enjoyed the sunset from the top of it, adrenalin lovers tried roller coasters for a change and when everyone came back, alive and well, we tried some local goodies and were ready to go back to Brno, full of new experiences and satisfied with the well-spent day.

Written by: Jana Hargitaiová
Translation: Jana Břehovská