Early spring usually invites out many people passionate for sport. Because it is good for your body and mind and we care about our international students we prepared extraordinary sport event for them. Beermaraton is only for strong ones because there are special rules including strict drinking regime. Our special liquid is beer and every team (compoesed of 4 people) needs to visit 6 pubs. They need to complete the task in a pub and if they’re successful they will drink only 3 beers, otherwise 4.

Competition started around 9pm and few minutes after the start we already welcomed first competitors. Some of them were really serious about this maraton so they choose special dress codes. Dress is nice but you need a giant bladder for this kind of sport!  From our point of view the whole competiton was without serious troubles because everybody managed to hold the beer inside at lest until the door. Special honors belongs to the only team of ladies, they finished the competion and with very good time. Around 11pm we moved to afterparty in 7. heaven were everybody could train for next beermaraton until the morning. Thanks for the night!

Written by: Jan Scheuer